What We Devour

Author: Linsey Miller

Genre: YA Fantasy

Publisher: Sourcebooks Fire

Pages: 352

Lorena has been hiding a dark secret: she has the magic of the banished gods- both Noble and Vile. So far she’s been able to keep that secret, until the Vile Prince sees through her. He offers a trade that she feels she must accept, and agrees to help him, but at what cost? He’s been trying to repair the Door that hold the Vile, but has been losing. He needs Lorena’s help, and it will take both parts of her if she’s going to survive.

I have been excited about this book since I first saw Linsey mentioning the concept & I was so excited to get my hands on it! She is a master of magical world building, and each one that she builds is so unique in its concept. Her characters are always incredibly well fleshed out and one either loves them or loves to hate them by the end of the book. This book of dark magic, wrights and wroughts, the dead being used as magical objects, and wondering who is really the good and bad here is twisted, phenomenal, and I can’t wait for more.

A Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes release!!!

Look what I just picked up!!! (Later than probably everyone else…Thanks work!!) isn’t it pretty??!!

I’m so excited to dive in! Warning: I may be a bit getting a review posted. I’m reading a couple of ARCs at the same time (I have Liam’s book from Aimee Brown, y’all!) and I still have school full-time, but I’ll get it read and a review out for y’all ASAP! In the meantime, let me know what you think!!



Ember News!!!

Y’all!!! Guys!!!!

An Ember in the Ashes is getting a graphic novel!!! It’s going to be a prequel trilogy, and is set to come out next summer. I’m so stoked!!!

That’s all. I just thought you might want to nerd out with me. Carry on! 😊

Here’s the link to an article if you’d like more info: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/an-ember-ashes-fantasy-series-getting-graphic-novel-trilogy-1244284

For a Muse of Fire News!!

Hey guys!!!

I have some news regarding my much beloved For a Muse of Fire!!

First, the lovely paperback edition released yesterday!!

Second, it’s on sale for $1.99 on all digital platforms!! (link below)

Go, buy, read it now before the sequel, A Kingdom for a Stage releases on October 8!


See my original review here: For a Muse of Fire (For a Muse of Fire, Book 1)


#backlistboost Friday

Happy Friday, everyone!!! I hope you’ve all had a great week!!! It’s been a long one here, but we’ve almost made it to the weekend. Any big weekend plans?!

It’s that time again… Ready for today’s #backlistboost?!

Today I’m going to reach back to an original pub date of 2008 to bring you one of my favorite YA Fantasy books: Graceling by Kristin Cashore.

Graceling is the tale of Katsa, who lives in the Seven Kingdoms. Certain people in the Kingdoms are born with a special ability called a Grace. Katsa is one of these people, and she was born with the Grace to kill. She is forced to use her Grace as an enforcer for her uncle, the King, until the day that she meets Prince Po and things begin to change.

I really enjoyed the beautiful writing and complex and descriptive world building by Cashore. If you’re a fantasy fan, give this one a try! If you like it, it has two companion books set in the same world, Fire and Bitterblue.

Find my original review here: Graceling (Seven Kingdoms Trilogy, Book 1)



The August Plan…

Happy Monday, everyone!!

I can’t believe that August is already here!

This year feels like it has flown by, and we are getting close to my favorite time of the year: Fall!! Unfortunately, for me, this year the Fall season is bringing me back to school. I’ve decided to pursue another degree, and I start back in September. That means that I am trying to get in as much fun reading as I can this month!

I am going to try to get through as many of these as possible before the Fall quarter starts:

I am currently reading Three Women by Lisa Taddeo, which I am enjoying. I’m also making my way through Preacher for the first time, and wondering why I’ve waited so long to read it!

What are your reading plans for August? Do you have any big upcoming plans for fall?

What should I read next?!

Let me know your thoughts!!

Have a great week!



From Breath and Ruin (Elements of Five, Book 1)


Author: Carrie Ann Ryan

Series: Elements of Five

Genre: YA Fantasy

Publisher: Indie

Pages: 351

Lyric is a typical eighteen-year-old girl, who has no idea what direction her life is going to take. She hasn’t really thought tings out much, aside from attending college in the fall. For as long as she can remember, she has had nightmares about monsters and these two central figures that feel very real to her. She knows that they can’t be real, though, right? 

The Maison Realm was torn apart hundreds of years ago in to warring factions of Elemental Wielders. Now factions of both light and dark have been sent to the Earth realm in an effort to find the Spirit Priestess who is prophesied to wield the Elements of Five that will bring the fractured kingdoms together. Rhodes and his sister, Rosamund, were sent from the light realm  on this mission. 

When an incident occurs while out on a hike, Lyric’s whole world is turned upside down. Everything that she thought couldn’t be true suddenly seems incredibly real and very dangerous. She is suddenly in a battle for her, and others’, survival. 

This is the first book in a new YA Fantasy series out from author Carrie Ann Ryan. She is multiple best selling author of many series in the adult arena, but this is her first foray in to the YA world. Let’s dive in! Ok, the premise: Honestly, it can be very difficult to come up with something in the YA Fantasy world that isn’t tropey or hasn’t been done and re-hashed before. Guess what- she found it! This felt fresh and not overdone. This didn’t feel like something that I have read over and over again, and I really enjoyed it. The pacing was great. It slowed a little in a couple of parts, but that happens in the first books of multiple book fantasy series when building the foundation, and it picked right back up. The characters were engaging and fleshed out well. I enjoyed learning their stories and she gave me someone to root for. The world building was wonderful! Now, this is not something new for this author. She writes PNR in the adult arena (also, if you read PNR check hers out), but this is much more detailed world building and she did a lovely job of it. I’m hoping that it keeps building even more in the books to come. Overall, I would say that Ryan’s venture in to the YA Fantasy world is a success, so far! 

The Next book in the series, From Ash and Flame, is due out in mid November & I can’t wait! 


Here There Are Monsters


Author: Amelinda Berube

Genre: YA Fantasy/Thriller

Publisher: Sourcebooks Fire

Pages: 352

Skye has grown up being the protector to her younger sister, Deirdre. Deirdre was always caught up in her games of queens, castles, and knights, and drug Skye in to them with her. She named Skye the Queen of Swords, the one that would protect her against everything, and that’s what she became. She also became an outcast because of it, the weird girl’s weird sister. When they moved to their new home, far away from their previous residence, Skye felt it was time for a new start. When they arrive, Deirdre is delighted that their new home is surrounded by woods and swamps to explore and create new kingdoms in. Skye, however, is done playing Deirdre’s games and makes a new circle of friends to call her own. Left to care for Deirdre while their parents are out one evening, Skye falls asleep and is awoken by her mother frantically looking for Deirdre. Deirdre is gone. Rescue crews continue searching to no avail, until Skye knows that she is the one who must go and find her. She must become her sister’s protector and play the games once again. 

Let’s start with the cover of this book. How creepy and beautiful is that?! It’s very fitting with the tone and story, and I just love it. Now that I got that out of the way, on to the book itself. It started out a bit slow for me, so I was a bit anxious that I wasn’t going to like it and I was not happy about that, as I went in to this very hopeful (this is definitely my kind of read!). Fortunately, it did pick up after a bit and I got in to it. The story is told in alternating time periods, as it flashes back between earlier in the girls’ childhood and present day. I did enjoy that as it gives a clearer picture as to what may have led up to the present day situation. The characters, especially the main characters, were well developed. The two main characters, Deirdre and Skye, however, were not particularly likeable characters in my opinion. This is not necessarily a bad thing, as the main characters do not have to be likable for a book to read well. I do know that some readers are put off by this, so I wanted to throw it in in case this is a sticking point for you. There are some supernatural elements that come in to play as the book moves on, and this was a fun element. It is a very atmospheric book, which I believe may have been my favorite thing about the writing of this book. The author did a wonderful job of building the world/atmosphere and making it fit the story well. Where the beginning of the book suffered from a bit of a slow start, the end could have used a bit of a slow down. It felt a bit rushed to tie everything up, and left me feeling like a may have missed something. Overall, though, it was a solid read and if the author were to write something else in the same genre, I’d pick it up. 

This book will be released on August 1.

Many thanks to Sourcebooks Fire for the opportunity to review this.

Gilded Wolves Sequel!!!

Y’all!!! Roshani Chokshi just dropped the name and cover of the sequel to Gilded Wolves, and both are beautiful!!! Are you ready??!!

Squee!!! Isn’t it lovely??!!

In her tweet, Chokshi describes it as having “…ice peacocks and angst, mythological based murder and found family dynamics…”. I can’t wait to read this second book in this trilogy! This date is definitely marked in my calendar (unless I manage to get my hands on an early copy again- fingers crossed!)!